Sunday, March 05, 2006

I better update....

So i figured that now that i have gotten numrous phone calls i should update to say that Micheal is ok, Gabe is still and idiot, but Micheal is no worse for the wear. A lady he works with said that he was acting stange the last few days, like he was sick or somthing but i think thats understandable considering what happend, although i dont think he told his parents cause they already Hate gabe like i do adn i know that micheal is trying to help him beat this drug addiction but i still cant help the way i feel about him....I'm sorry Micheal if you ever read this, but i will never like Gabe, not with the way he treats me adn anyother girl for that matter adn if he were to stop hanging out with you or move away it would make me very very happy becuase i have seen how you let him influence you, weather your trying to help him or not....
thats all for now i guess...


At 12:26 AM, Blogger Nichole Sauer said...


I don't blame you for disliking Gabe.. hes a fucking idiot.. I'm sorry but he is.
He doesn't deserve a friend as good as Micheal has been. And Mike doesn't deserve a friend as crapy and Gabe has been.
Don't feel bad for thinking Mike could do better... he will realize sooner or later that Gabe is a waste of his time and that once a coc head always a coc head.
Sometimes these men are just slow sweetie...
love you-



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