Thursday, May 04, 2006

it's been a while....

ok so its been a few weeks sense i last posted. But in my defense it is the end of the semester and i have been sick the last few days...actually almost all week now and i still coughing up my lungs every fifteen mins. But i am killing time right now before i have to go do my sociology final at 2 so i figure its as good a time as any to get anyone who read this this caught up on every thing thats been happening in my very "normal" boring life...
so lets see First off: I got the National Parks Service Job that i applied for even though the interview didnt go as well as i thought it should have. So now i am trying to get all the paperwork i need to do for that done and out of the way and tommorrow i have to go in and get fingerprinted so that they can do a background check on me...
then yesterday i got my first ever ticket....for speeding none the so now no one can tell me that i am too causious of a driver or that i ALWAYS drive the posted limit because according to officer stuart ( i think that was his name but he has really bad hand writing) i am a wreckless driver and deserve to pay an 82$ ticket and get two points on my licence...guess it was bound to happen sooner or later...and the whole experience wasnt that bad other than he tried to make it seem like he was doing me a favor by giving me the two point ticket...he said i was doing almost 60 in a 40 but i know i wasnt cause i was in third gear and my truck tops out at 50 in 3rd so HA.....although he did thank me for wearing my seatbelt:) Glad he noticed cause i seem to have shunk again and now the stupid thing sits right on my neck and feels like its choking me while i am driving....
Lets see what else...oh i am offically a jobless hobo again untill i start my new job with the parks service lol....i finished all my work this morning so i get to have friday off wich will be nice...means i can sleep in before my chem test...or get up early and study more...decision desicions ( i have no idea how to spell) also i was invited to a BBQ at the professors house on friday, i think its kinda a send off to the grad students who are heading out into the field or graduating soon...i think i might actually go...although i wish that i had somone to bring so i wouldnt be alone...i;m almost positive micheal told me he was doing something friday night...but i cant remember what, mainly cause i dont remember much from the begining of this week....
Ok i know there is something else....what is it....think think...Oh yeah Micheal and i still havent gotten to celebrate our 7 year anniversary...i wish i would have known how crazy this time of year would be for us before i had said i would go out with him....Maybe i should just drop it....but it seems like such a big deal and like we should really do something...problem is neither of us know what we want to do....we talked about it last night and all we have really figured out is that we dont really feel like a fancy diner cause we do that every if anyone has any ideas tell me please...we're wanting to do something the friday/weekend after finals week before i start my new job....although we might end up driving to anchorage if micheal can get off of work....who knows...all i can think about right now are the TWO chem test i still have to take...once they are over i will be on cloud nine in NO CHEM BLISS.....which mean you might be able to find me taking a nap in the bed of my truck in the parking lot of Nat Sci cause that is my plan....:)come visit me....if you RSVP i will be sure to bring a cooler with snacks and soda or something....or at least me.....:)


At 3:05 PM, Blogger Nichole Sauer said...

Well I already told you congrats about the job so it seems silly to say it again. I hope your finals went well. I talked with your mom for a while last night and found out why I couldnt get into Dr. Hess. No big deal, your mom suggested a couple doctors she really likes. I love having someone I know be able to give in the scoop on which doctors are good and which ones are stupid.. or being able to call when Zacks sick or something.
Anyways, I wouldn't stress to too much about the 7th year aniversary. I mean you two have been busy and thats understandable with it being this time of year. I would say if you don't want to do dinner out go out camping one weekend, if you will have anymore weekends off, or go down to denali park and go on a rafting trip or something fun. You guys like outdoors stuff, do something you haven't done in a while, or something completely new.
Anyways I love you and I'll chat with you later!


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