HA i didnt wait a whole month
SO life has been super crazy...ok not life just work. I worked 12.5 hours the other day and i would have worked alot longer yesterday but i was just worn out...i was supposed to go to a movie with Micheal but then Mike Nicholson called and needed him to help him move out cause the girl he has been house sitting for is coming back today so he had to get out of her house last night...apparently he is going to live in a tent for the rest of this summer....i think he is crazylet see what else...oh i leave for the field tues morning then i come back for a little bit on the 30th and then leave again on the 1st (so i have a few hours in town to clean my clothes) and then come back on the 15th....I super bummed about missing micheals birthday....like i cant even explain how upset i get about it if i think about it too long...
he siad he isnt mad at me about it though so i guess i shouldnt worry...but anyone who knows me knows that i cant just not worry.
I feel like a dork right now too i dont have anything to do cause we are waiting to see if we are gonna be able to go flying today because of the rain so i should be making a super long entry but i cant....i just dont have alot to say about my life today....i think its cuase there is too much going on and to try to think about it all and put it all on here would make a novel not just an entry and i would probably just write myself in circles...
OH but one thing i will metion in that V is moving to Anchorage....it really snuck up on me and now i might not get to see her before she leaves cuase of work and the whole fact that if i dont go flying today then i might have to go this weekend sometime along with haveing to pack and get all my gear together for waht is essentially a month long camping trip....I'm gonna miss her soooooooooo much.....